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sustainable sourcing


100% Recycled Metals

We have partnered with a local casting company, who is committed to ethical sourcing and environmental sustainability in all aspects of operations. This includes using 100% recycled metals in the manufacturing processes.



Ethical Sourcing

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Lab grown diamonds are chemically, physically & optically identical to natural diamonds, and display the same visual phenomenons like fire, scintillation and brilliance. The only difference is the history!  Lab-grown diamonds are inherently conflict-free, and eco-friendly compared to diamonds sourced through mining; which is a leading cause of environmental impact, animal migration disruption, water usage, and ethical concerns.  There's no free lunch - lab grown diamonds require a great amount of fossil fuels to generate the facilities - but comparing the two methods, it is clearly the more sustainable option. 


Natural Mined Diamonds: The provenance of a natural diamond is unmatched, and it's truly a miracle of nature! We are committed to offering an ethically-sourced collection of natural diamonds.  Our ethical journey is made possible by choosing to work with a singular, heavily vetted diamond merchant who adheres to strict and government regulated policies. These policies include the Kimbeley Process -  which ensures rough diamonds are exported and imported with a government-validated certificate stating the diamonds are conflict-free. Additionally, our merchant follows the guidelines of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), which sets standards for responsible business practices throughout the jewelry supply chain, including diamond mining and processing. By these standards, you can rest assured that your natural diamond has a clean history and is completely conflict-free. 


Gemstones: Just like our natural diamond sourcing requirements, we only work with merchants who adhere to strict protocols in regards to the sourcing of mined gemstones. As a natural resource, gemstones can be found almost anywhere, but they are mined, cut, and exchanged too frequently to keep traceable documentation of their exact source. However, our two gemstone merchants engage in several practices to ensure an ethical origin, primarily  by means of overseeing operations. Our supplier arranges for gemstone experts from U.S. or Bangkok offices to regularly visit gemstone dealers and cutters overseas to ensure that ethical gemstone sourcing, mining, and fair labor practices are being followed. 


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